The project further develops the Urban Master Plan designed by another architecture team [Eduardo Belzunce, Luis Díaz, Juan García] after the IV Europan competition. The geometry defined by the floor plan of the towers determined the position of the vertical communication shafts and the layout of the dwellings in a narrow 4,5 m width span, thus allowing little margin for design. Therefore, the interest of the project lies within the exterior shell and the public spaces.
The big parking plinth, which allocates 267 parking spaces, has a semi-open façade. Covered with graphite grey prefabricated concrete panels in a grid. The towers are independent volumes placed on top of this basement. The tower fronts have a dark grey cellulose concrete exterior. The southeast façade on the contrary, which is oriented to the landscape and very visible from the distance, is covered with shiny aluminum.
The small squares in between the blocks elongate in the distance with big balconies that are transformed into dramatic viewpoints to the open landscape in front of them.