TAJO, Toledo

site plan
floor plan
transversal section

TAJO, Toledo

The image of Toledo from a distance has been painted many times. It has become an iconic scene. However, the distance between the observer and the city has allowed its deterioration. The blurred image that distance produces is able to hide the neglect.  The still strength of the icon distracts our attention from the riverbank, the damaged hydraulic industrial heritage and the rock walls that slope down to the river buried in tons of debris and waste.

We are not facing a problem of form, but of energy. The solution is in the support, not in the detail. The project aims to fully incorporate the river bank as a part of the city, allowing its public access and use.

We will pass from a scenario without a pulse, lifeless and distant, to a dynamic, active and public one. The river is far, lonely and inactive. We must approach it, join it to the city and activate it. We propose a series of actions to divert part of the city energy to the river, so that Toledo can conquer the Tajo. Toledo and the Tajo, they have fed and activated each other, generating a landscape in which nature and artifice are intertwined, they have exchanged energy and fluids, the project must be resolved within the scope of the agreement between the infrastructures and their environment.

Location Toledo, España
Client Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo
Architects Francisco Burgos, Ginés Garrido
Design team Javier Malo de Molina, Agustín Martín, Jaime Álvarez, Pierre Banchet, Carlos Carnicer, Rebeca Caso, Alicia Colmenarejo, Cristina Cordero, Elena Garicano, Rocío Martín, Raquel Marugán, Víctor Muñoz, Ana Palancarejo, Jonás Prieto, Nerea del Pozo, Pilar Recio, Ramiro Sánchez, Marco de Simone, Emma Simonsson, Alberto López, Héctor Pérez
National competition First prize
Structures TYPSA
Environmental Impact Assessment Ambisat
Renders HPAL
Model Nivel+Maquetas
Date 2009: competition
2014: Basic project