City Hall, Serranillos de Valle, Madrid


City Hall, Serranillos de Valle, Madrid

The new Town Hall is built on the same site where the old one stood. This was a construction from the fifties, falsely regional-looking and in very poor conditions; it had a central tower, crowned by the clock and a wrought iron balcony on the first floor above the entrance. The Plaza of Spain, where the City Hall is located, is a derelict area with irregular shape, better said, a street intersection defined by disparate, uninteresting buildings; not even the City Hall has a dominant position that allows it to introduce some order in the immediate urban space.

The Council has inescapable symbolic and emblematic burdens. The flags, which the citizens feel identified with, must be on its wall and it must have a balcony from where the Mayor presides certain celebrations. The Town Hall of Serranillos del Valle assimilates these conditions, however, it also incorporates an additional opening on the main façade, a small courtyard that articulates the rest of the building; all interior spaces open to it, and it provides an intermediate link between these spaces and the square. This semi-open condition, that extends the space of the public square towards the interior, makes the Town Hall more clear and democratic, at least in its formal settings.

Thus, the new Town Hall is a box of thick masonry walls finished with white cement mortar  and a plinth of calatorao stone to the exterior. The courtyard façades, mainly made of glass, are set within a simple steel structure covered with steel sheets painted in deep gray. The internal divisions never reach the ceiling so that the presence of the exposed reinforced concrete slabs on both floors allow us to appreciate each of them almost as a single space.

Location Serranillos de Valle, Madrid
Client Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Regional, Comunidad de Madrid
Architects Ginés Garrido, Francisco Domouso, Emilio Rodríguez
Collaborators César Gil, Felipe Holgado, Ángel Sanguino
Structure Luis Díaz Alabart
Technical architect Beatriz Álvarez
Constructor JOCA
Photography Ángel Baltanás & Eduardo Sánchez
Date 1998